texts & videos

[Adorno] Minima Moralia

[Benjamin] Theories of German Fascism

[Benjamin] Selected Writings vol 1

[Benjamin] Selected Writings vol 2-1

[Benjamin] Selected Writings vol 2-2

[Benjamin] Selected Writings vol 3

[Benjamin] Selected Writings vol 4

[Adorno] The Idea of Natural History

[Adorno] The Actuality of Philosophy

[Adorno] Freudian Theory and Fascist Propaganda

[Adorno] Prisms

[Horkheimer] Traditional and Critical Theory

[Freud] Complete Works vols. 1-24

[Rose] Where Does the Misery Come From?

[Irigaray] Speculum of the Other Woman

[Irigaray] This Sex Which is Not One

[Mitchell] Mad Men and Medusas

[Melandri] Love and Violence

[Marcuse] Eros and Civilization

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 1 (Marx, 1835-1843)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 2 (Engels, 1838-1842)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 3 (Marx and Engels, 1843-1844)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 4 (Marx and Engels, 1844-1845)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 5 (Marx and Engels, 1845-1847)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 6 (Marx and Engels, 1845-1848)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 7 (Marx and Engels, 1848)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 8 (Marx and Engels, 1848-1849)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 9 (Marx and Engels, 1849)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 10 (Marx and Engels, 1849-1851)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 11 (Marx and Engels, 1851-1853)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 12 (Marx and Engels, 1853-1854)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 13 (Marx and Engels, 1854-1855)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 14 (Marx and Engels, 1855-1856)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 15 (Marx and Engels, 1856-1858)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 16 (Marx and Engels, 1858-1860)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 17 (Marx and Engels, 1859-1860)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 18 (Marx and Engels, 1857-1862)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 19 (Marx and Engels, 1861-1864)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 20 (Marx and Engels, 1864-1868)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 21 (Marx and Engels, 1867-1870)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 22 (Marx and Engels, 1870-1871)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 23 (Marx and Engels, 1871-1874)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 24 (Marx and Engels, 1874-1883)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 25 (Engels, 1876-1882)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 26 (Engels, 1882-1889)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 27 (Engels, 1890-1895)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 28 (Marx, 1857-1861)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 29 (Marx, 1857-1861)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 30 (Marx, 1861-1863)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 31 (Marx, 1861-1863)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 32 (Marx, 1861-1863)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 33 (Marx, 1861-1863)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 34 (Marx, 1861-1863)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 35 (Marx, 1887)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 36 (Marx, 1893)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 37 (Marx, 1894)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 38 (Marx and Engels, 1844-1851)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 39 (Marx and Engels, 1852-1855)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 40 (Marx and Engels, 1856-1859)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 41 (Marx and Engels, 1860-1864)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 42 (Marx and Engels, 1864-1868)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 43 (Marx and Engels, 1868-1870)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 44 (Marx and Engels, 1870-1873)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 45 (Marx and Engels, 1874-1879)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 46 (Marx and Engels, 1880-1883)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 47 (Engels, 1883-1889)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 48 (Engels, 1887-90)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 49 (Engels, 1890-1892)

[Marx and Engels] MECW vol 50 (Engels, 1892-1895)

[Bataille] Visions of Excess

[Hollier] The College of Sociology

[Weingrad] The College of Sociology and the Institute for Social Research

[Kendall] The Prexfix Sur in Bataille’s Sur Nietzsche

[Grindon] Alchemist of Revolution

[Reich] The Mass Psychology of Fascism

[Deleuze and Guattari] Anti-Oedipus

[Deleuze and Parnet] Dialogues

[Deleuze and Guattari] A Thousand Plateaus

[Deleuze] Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life

[Artaud] Collected Works vol. 1

[Tiqqun] On the Economy Considered as Black Magic

[Tiqqun] Theses on the Terrible Community

[Tiqqun] Silence and Beyond

[Tiqqun] Volume Two — Zone of Offensive Opacity

[Tiqqun] Sonogram of a Potential

[Tiqqun] How is it to be Done?

[Tiqqun] Call — zine format

[Negri] Domination and Sabotage

[Agamben] The Coming Community

[Agamben] Omnibus Homo Sacer

[Tiqqun & Bernadette Corporation] Get Rid of Yourself

[Tiqqun] Preliminaries to the War on Prison